Friday, October 28, 2011

Cathedral Of Notre Dame - The World’s Most Famous Cathedral

Cathedral Of Notre Dame in Paris France is one of the amazing cathedral and the most famous one in the world. The cathedral is also the heartbeat of medieval Paris was built in gothic style architecture and is regarded as one of the best examples of gothic building design in France and even in Europe. Notre Dame de Paris also known as one of the first building in the world that uses flying buttresses and became one of the most beautiful point of view of the cathedral.

Where is Notre Dame located ?

Of Notre Dame in Paris France is located precisely in the Ile de la Cité which is surrounded by a river called the Seine. If you visit this place, you will be enchanted by the beauty of the architecture of the building. Get inside the building and you will be able to see the Gargoyle Chimera and Emmanuel Bell made ​​in the 17th century. Tourists can also enter the area until towards the church spire, sculptures, glasses design and entered the basement full of historical heritage of this building. The stunning beauty of these historic relics just did not seem worth only expressed in words. You need to spend time while in Paris to experience for yourself about the beauty of this place.

Here are some
budget accommodations near the area near the Cathedral Notre Dame for your references.

Hotel Abbatial Saint Germain
Hotel Pointe Rivoli
Hotel Paris Rivoli
Hotel De Notre Dame
Timhotel Jardin Des Plantes

Enjoy the beauty of Paris and do not forget to visit one of the famous cultural sites in the world
, Cathedral Of Notre Dame.

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