Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Louvre Museum In Paris France

The Louvre Museum In Paris France. In the past, the Louvre was a royal palace. Then converted as a museum in 1973 for the purpose of tourism in Paris, France. The world's largest museum located on the banks of the Seine river is comprised of four parts of the room and Carosel de Louvre is the center of the building Louvre museum.

Currently Louvre has more than 6,000 collections of European paintings from the 13th century until the 19th century. Other collections of Roman art, Egyptian, Greek and Oriental. There is also a section with 'Objects d'Art', in which objects such as clock, furniture, china and rugs displayed. Several collections of world famous Louvre museum is owned by Venus Milo, Nike Samothrake, the Dying Slave by Michelangelo and of course the Mona Lisa is very famous works of artist Leonardo Da Vinci.

In 1989, the French government built a Glass Pyramid which functioned as the entrance to the Louvre museum. Some believe that the construction of the pyramid is not in accordance with the architectural design found in museums around the area but latetly the Glass Pyramid is accepted as a smart solution for a wide entrance to the museum without changing the Louvre Museum building as a very valuable historical heritage in Paris.

Some of the Gallery at the Louvre Museum contained
• Ancient Near East
Gallery for the ancient civilizations of the Near East and covers the period from the first settlement from more than ten thousand years ago.
• Egyptian Antiquities
Part of this gallery features the remnants of civilizations that developed in the Nil Valley from the late prehistoric era to the era of Christianity in the 4th century. This section has more than 50,000 items stored in more than 20 rooms, including a large Sphinx, mummies, papyrus scrolls, jewelry, clothing, tools, musical instruments, games, and weapons.
• Greek, Etruscan, and Roman Antiquities
This section displays a relic of civilization Greek, Etruscan and Roman art depicting a vast area that includes Greece, Italy and throughout the Mediterranean basin, during the period stretching from the Neolithic era served until the 6th century.
• Islamic Art
Today's Islamic art gallery is closed, but will reopen in 2012. This section is the latest collection from the Louvre Museum where you will find many types of glass, ceramic, wood, metal ware, carpets, ivory, miniature, and textiles more than 5,000 items.
• Sculpture
The room devoted to works of art sculpture collection of medieval, Renaissance and modern sculpture.
• Decorative Art
This gallery has a range of highly varied works of art consisting of jewelry, tapestries, ivories, bronzes, ceramics, and furniture. The art collections derives from the medieval period to the first half of the 19th century.
• Painting
This gallery shows encyclopedic scope of the Louvre, the artwork consists of paintings from the 13th century to 1848.
• Prints and Pictures
The other part of the Louvre museum devoted to the remarkable collection of artworks on paper. Which includes prints, drawings, pastels, and miniatures.

If you want to find accommodation that is located not far from the Museum Louvre, here are some references lodging.

- Timhotel Le Louvre
- Tonic Hotel Du Louvre
- Boutique Hotel Louvre Piemont
- Novotel Paris Les Halles Hotel
- Hotel Britannique

Visiting the city of Paris as a tourist destination is an incredible moment. The beauty of Paris and museums including the Louvre to make your tour unforgettable.